Saturday, August 30, 2008

Week 2 Required Readings

It is still unclear to me when and if notes on required readings for Week 2 are due (there is no posting on the Bb about this), but since I notices some of the other students had posted notes, here are mine.

Computer Hardware
For me, this is a very useful Wikepedia entry about computers since I am not technologically savvy. It contains basic knowledge and background information. Personally, I do not have the interest or head for understanding all the details, but having rudimentary knowledge is helpful.

Moore' Law
This is fascinating history that I know nothing about. Again, technological language is difficult for me and the most interesting part of this is how it affects society and people's lives. How will computers and technology continue to evolve and how will that change the way we live? Will we one day be talking into a holographic computer and transmitting ourselves to different locations like the Star Trek crew?Life has become science fiction. The video about Moore's Law was fun, energetic, entertaining and helpful - true infotainment!

Computer History Museum
I found this site overwhelming. The section on the history of the internet is interesting, but dense. I think it would be an interesting museum to visit.

Muddiest-Need Assignment Clarification

I need clarification on what is due when.

According to the Bb for this course, the only thing due on Sept. 2 is our blog creation and comments about the required readings for Week 1.

But I noticed that some students have posted comments about the required readings for week 2. Where is this assignment posted?

Please explain and please do a better job of communicating what is due when.

Thank you.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Muddiest Point

I am moving forward, with some anxiety, in this online learning world. I seem to have created 2 blogs, but I suppose that's better than none.

I believe I have completed Assignment 1, although the directions have been somewhat confusing.

I am not sure if part of the assignment is to post comments on other student's comments, but I did it as a learning exercise.

Comments on another students blog

I posted comments to Assignment 1 on Corrine's blog.

Her blog URL is: http:\

Assignment 1 - Assigned Reading & Notes

2004 Information Format Trends: Content, Not Containers

The title of this article should be "The Death of Books" or "Are Books Obsolete?"

The article appears to be a propaganda piece written by the OCLC Marketing Staff promoting the notion that content, rather than container, is always the most important factor.

Key questions and comments:
*Is technology trumping human interaction?
*Is a brick and mortar library still necessary?
*Our culture is non-communally oriented and very much a do-it-yourself world
*Access to technology does have the potential to create a non-elitist, level playing field for all users if the so-called digital divide can be addressed
*Crackberry Culture - we live in a society that is addicted to the alluring qualities of technology
*Many users of personal digital devices appear never to be in their current physical space and moment. They are always connected to a device or communication with someone else on a device
*An overabundance and forever changing technological landscape is impossible to keep up with
*Primary source material is still important! Books ARE sacred objects - content does not always override container. Sometimes the medium is just as important as the message.
*Technology should not be mutually exclusive. There still needs to be a place for human-created work on paper
*Ray Bradbury's book "Fahrenheit 451" is about the burning of books. Will future generations never hold a book in their hands? Important cultural and historical information needs to be preserved non-digitally in order to understand the human condition.

Information Literacy and Information Technology Literacy

Key questions and comments:
How does the ever-evolving technologically complicated society we live in affect our daily lives? 

How does the way and the type of technology taught throughout a person's life affect their life? 

How important is information technology literacy to future success in school, work and one's personal life?

Technology reflects culture at the same time culture reflects technology.

What is the point of technology if we don't have a context within which to use it? In other words isn't an understanding of  history and all that it encompasses - cultural, political, artistic, and scientific movements necessary?

One needs a high level of technological proficiency to survive in today's world. Is this bias towards certain ethnic, cultural and/or economic groups?
Lied Library @ four years: technology never stands still

This is a highly technological article that I found difficult to understand.

Key questions and comments:
Libraries = Technology

There is an overwhelming amount of technology at academic libraries and as a result the demands on finances, personnel, space and security to maintain that technology are great.

There is still a need for a brick and mortar library. The academic library remains an important and attractive place for students, faculty, staff and staff to use on a daily basis.

All those who work in libraries need to embrace technology on a certain level.

Library leaders need to be progressive thinkers to navigate through the world of technology.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Testing Testing...Is this thing on?

This is just a test to see if I can post something new to my blog.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The beginning of the beginning

Top Hats and Flappers is the title of a wonderful book about one of my favorite artists, Russell Patterson.